From today (Jan 4th, 2021) until the end of the month, BetOnline will be featuring "Survivor Freeroll Tournaments" each day of the week there is a challenge (such as Daily $ 1 in Rake) and if you "survive" until the end of the week (without missing a single day) you can play a freeroll tournament on Sunday! GTD prizes go from $ 1k to $ 5k. Read the full article to know more.
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If you complete a Daily $ 1 in rake challenge every single day from Jan 4th to Jan 9th (Monday to Saturday), you get to play a $1k freeroll Survivor's tournament on Sunday at 1 pm ET.
From Monday to Saturday next week (Jan 11th to 16th) the challenge becomes a Daily $ 3 in rake and the Sunday freeroll (Jan 17th) happens at the same time (1pm ET) for those who completed this week's challenge, but time with a $ 1.5k GTD prize.
The third week's (Jan 18th to Jan 23rd) challenge is a Daily $ 6 in rake and the GTD prize for this Sunday (Jan 24th) freeroll becomes $ 2.5 k GTD.
Finally, on the last week of the month (Jan 25th to Jan Jan 30th) comes with a Daily $ 10 in rake challenge and the Survivor freeroll (Jan 31tst) offers a $ 5 k GTD prize.
In total, there is a $ 10k GTD distributed in the 4 freeroll tournaments this January 2021.
If you want to enjoy this excellent promotions and many others or know more, you can check out our full BetOnline poker room review, including sign up, promotions, cashback VIP system, Daily Cash Race, Casino Happy Hour, game types, stakes, traffic and other useful information. In case you are wondering if your country of origin allows you to play on BetOnline, just contact us in one of few available communication channels.
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